Laraine Pounds

Laraine was inspired throughout her nursing career to study complementary healing disciplines that support the body/mind/spirit continuum. She is certified in Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K), therapeutic guided imagery, with in-depth study and practice in Healing Touch/Therapeutic Touch, Chi Gong, yoga and meditation.

Laraine has been a nurse educator for over 40 years and holds several international certifications in holistic aromatherapy. She participated in the early formation of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) and was co-founder of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), 1990, where she served on the education committee that led to the formation of the Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC). She co-founded the Alliance for International Aromatherapists (AIA) in 2006 and authored the Clinical Standards for Aromatherapy Practice which was adopted by AIA in 2007. Laraine continues to serve on the Advisory Board of ARC and was honored to receive the Distinguish Aromatherapist award by the AIA membership in 2009.

Laraine has continued personal explorations in complementary and alternative health care, studying with numerous internationally known health care practitioners and aromatherapy educators. She has written numerous articles on aromatherapy care for the elderly and hospice care and pioneered uses of essential oils in the psychiatric setting.

Ms. Pounds is the former Co-Founder and Director of the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy in Boulder, CO. She was dedicated to developing proficient ways essential oils can be used in the support of holistic nursing and integrative wellness care.


Castor Oil as a Carrier for Holistic Aromatherapy, International Journal of Holistic and Professional Aromatherapy, Winter, 2015, pp. 37-41. 

Art of Aromatherapy for End-of-Life Care, AHNA Beginnings, Vol. 32, No. 4, August 2012.

The use of Essential Oils on an Acute Care Psychiatric Unit. The International Journal of Clinical Aromatherapy, Vol. Issue 2, 2008.

Smith, Marlaine and Kyle (Pounds), Laraine.  Holistic Foundations of Aromatherapy for Nursing.  Holistic Nursing Practice, Jan-Feb, 2008, pp 3-10

A Historical Perspective:  Botanical Medicine Used with Touch Therapies for Healing,National Association of Nurse Massage Therapists Newsletter, NANMT News, Spring/Summer, 2002.

Aromatherapy for Elder Care,  The International Journal of Aromatherapy,   1998-1999. Vol. 9, No. 4,   pp. 170-177.

End of Life Care with Aromatherapy, Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy Conference, San Francisco, CA., Nov. 12, 1999.  Published proceedings.

Aromatherapy for Elder Care, The International Journal of Aromatherapy,   1998-1999. Vol. 9, No. 4,   pp. 170-177.

Aromatherapy, Nurse’s Handbook of Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 1998. Springhouse Corporation, Springhouse, PA. (Alice L. Kyle)

Nursing Assessment Theory Applied to Clinical Aromatherapy, Sensitivity,  Vol. 8, No. 3, 1998.

Clinical Uses of Aromatherapy,  Aromatic Thymes, Vol.4, #1, March 1996.


Alliance of International Aromatherapists, Conference, Denver, September, 2015.  Integrative Wellness Coaching Using Aromatherapy. (half day)

National Association of Holistic Nursing, Conference, Branson, Mo., June, 2015, Palliative Care with Holistic Aromatherapy.  (half day)

National Association of Holistic Nursing, Conference, Norfolk, Va., Jube 2013.  Contemplative Aromatherapy: Multi-Sensory Chakra Balancing.  (half day)

American Holistic Nurses Association, 2012.  Snowbird, UT.   Self Care with Aromatherapy;   Use of Essential oils for Palliative Care

Alliance of International Aromatherapists, 2009.   The use of Aromatherapy in an In-Patient Psychiatric Setting; Outstanding Achievements Award by the AIA membership

Alliance of International Aromatherapists, 2007.  Standards for Clinical Aromatherapy, approved by AIA membership.

Aromatics in Action Conference, Denver, Co, Oct. 2005, The Use of Aromatherapy in the Caregiver Setting. 

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy Conference, Norfolk, VA, April, 2004.Clinical Guidelines for Clinical Aromatherapy

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, Seattle, WA, September 8, 2002.  Hospice Care with Aromatherapy

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy,  East Coast Expo, Raleigh, NC.  June 1, 2002. Aromatherapy in Hospice Care

Register of Qualified Aromatherapists, London, England, March 10, 2001.  End of Life Care with Aromatherapy

Joint RQA-ISPAA Aromatherapy Conference, London, England, March 11, 2001. The use of Aromatherapy in Elder Care

World Sensorium: A Global Bouquet Attuning the Unity of all Cultures through Scent,NAHA Aromatherapy Journal.  Winter 2000, Vol. 10, #3.

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy Conference,  San Francisco, CA., Nov. 12, 1999. End of Life Care with Aromatherapy,  Paper published in proceedings.

National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy Conference,  St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 26, 1998,Use Of Aromatherapy  for  Elder Care

Women’s United Nations Organization, Kathmandu, Nepal      Feb.10-13, 1998, Skin Care with Aromatherapy, Multi-sensory Chakra Workshop, Aromatherapy for Common Ailments 

Aromatherapy Institute of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand,  Feb. 7, 1998, “Natural Healing for All”

Synergia Aromatherapy Conference, 1997, Boston, Mass.  Nov. 1997, Standards for Aromatherapy Education and Practice

Nineteenth Annual Institute for Clinical Specialists in Psychiatric Nursing, Sept., 1997, The Use of Aromatherapy in the Clinical Setting

American Assoc. for  Partial Hospitalization Conference, Aug. 1995, Self-Nurturing with Aromatherapy

Non-Practicing and Part Time Nurses’ Association, March 1995, Holistic Aromatherapy

American Holistic Nursing Association Convention, June 1993, Holistic Aromatherapy


San Diego Hospice, San Diego, CA.

Spearly Center, Denver, CO.

Boulder County Hospice, Louisville, CO

Boulder Community Hospital

Hospice of St. John, Denver, CO

Hospice of Metro Denver, Denver, CO