
Thank you for the excellence of your course and making it available to the world including me! Thank you, too, for sharing so abundantly your generosity and contagious enthusiasm throughout the course process!

Arshebeth T., Licensed Massage Therapist

Thanks so much for all your excellent advising on the adventure of essential oil use. I have learned so much to use the rest of my life. Thanks for offering such an opportunity.

Marilyn F., Nurse Massage Therapist

I have been applying all that I’ve learned in my hospice case practice as a Complementary Therapist.

Terri M., Advanced Nurse Practitioner

This program is very thorough! I felt very supported and the materials are excellent!

Jill S., Elementary School Teacher

I am better able to target essential oils for specific aspects of my family’s health and the issues my clients’ bring into a massage session. I will use a broader array of oils with more confidence.

Martha S., Reiki Master/Teacher

Thank you.  I was at our local AHNA meeting last weekend and told my fellow holistic nurses that your course is very organized and in-depth.

Heather P., Nurse Educator

I have so enjoyed this class and have really increased my knowledge of the oils — so many ways I incorporate them into daily life now! Wonderful program!!! Blessings.

Julia L., Pediatric Critical Care Nurse

I would recommend this course as I found it to relate an abundance of interesting, relevant, and extremely useful information.

Michelle B., Pharmacist, Natural Product Manufacturer